A review by jacki_f
The Ashes of London by Andrew Taylor


Set in the immediate aftermath of the Great Fire of London in 1666, this is about the investigation into a murder. James Marwood is a lowly assistant to the editor of the London Gazette, an official newspaper, and is assigned by his boss to investigate the death. The other central figure is a young heiress, Cat Lovett, who is desperate to avoid an arranged marriage. Both Cat and James are the children of men who had fought against King Charles I and who have subsequently been disgraced.

What I particularly liked about this book is the way that London at that time is brought so vividly to life. I didn't know a great deal about this period in history and I found it fascinating. Famous faces like Christopher Wren and Charles II make appearances but they share the pages with both aristocrats and common folk. I also liked James Marwood as a character. However the story is convoluted and hard to stay with. Cat is initially a sympathetic character but she makes decisions that seem unlikely and doesn't have a consistency to her. I liked this book but I didn't love it.