A review by ryemiart
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao


 "For eighteen years, my unibrow has saved me from being sold into a painful, terrifying death."

When you start the book like this, I know I’m going to like you.

This book was solid 3 stars for me but then!…the last quarter of the story took place and I was hooked and could not put the book down. It was so emotional and action packed. AND THEN THE LAST PAGE HAPPENED! I won’t say more because I might accidentally spoiler it but what I will say: it felt like very rushed trailer for the next book but dang I want to know what happens next.

What makes the story interesting are characters. They are all so different from each other yet the want the same. Vengeance. We get to know them slowly, in their present, and then we get to know them even more and understand their current actions with snippets of their past. And oh boy are these dark and violent.

The story reads as YA [which is good because it is YA] but the main character is so Mary Sue. Badass and sometimes crazy Mary Sue with a sharp tongue.

As for the writing, it felt a bit…clumsy and convoluted at times and I have no idea what some sentences were meant to say but that might be problem on my side too. As a non-native English speaker/reader it was sometimes difficult to understand.

Overall: I liked the story and will pick up the sequel once it is out.

Note: please look up trigger warnings before starting this book. 

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