A review by naughtybookaffair
Gravity by H.J. Bellus


I have been a fan of HJ Bellus for a long time. This book was nothing like i have ever read from her before. I honestly didnt know what i was going to be reading when i started this book. It gripped me from the beginning. The relationship between Amos and Gracie was amazing. It was fresh and breathtaking. The strength that they both had dealing with him being in the services was amazing.They both were so strong that it made me want to crawl into the book and hug them. Tragic moments cause heartbreak to fall upon Gracie. Reading how she finds out and the aftermath had me in tears. I am talking alligator tears. Not fair pulling on the heart strings like that. Then Gracie starts over in the same town she loved Amos in. In walks Cub a police officer who has a lot more in common with Gracie than anyone could ever guess. That is where the suspense in this book comes to play. During this time there are tears, laughter and just a heartfelt warm story of love and new beginnings. But we all know that happiness does not last forever. Life takes a nasty turn once again for Gracie and Cub and yes once again the heartstrings are yanked and the tears are falling. I will tell you something you better have tissues and alcohol when you read this book because you will need it to get through this amazing story. I absolutely loved Cub. I loved that no matter what he was not giving up on Gracie and the love that he has found. He was not giving up on his girls. He shows true emotions that is not normal for a guy to show when something tragic happens. Most guys hold it in. Cub does not which i absolutely love. Gracie is a woman that anyone can easily look up too. She has proven that no matter what is thrown at her she comes out on the other side stronger than ever. This book is well written with amazing character chemistry with all the characters involved. But i do warn you it will tear at your heartstrings. I swear if you dont cry you dont have a heart. HJ Bellus blew me away with this one. The whole storyline was amazing and well written. Gripping from beginning to end you cant not read this whole book no matter how many times you may want to stop reading you have to grab ahold and finish to see just what happens. I guarantee you will find that you fall in love with this book. I will be ending this to my collection and enjoying it over and over again. I give this book 10 stars excellent story about living again no matter what is thrown at you and believing that things happen for a reason