A review by missanthropyknits
Lover Unveiled by J.R. Ward


Mae gets points for escaping Davina's alternate dimension prison but in every other aspect she is the literal worst. In what world ever is trying to resurrect someone a good idea? Her motivation doesn't even make sense, when she has so much life to celebrate, and in the face of objective truth about her bad choices, she decides to continue down her self-destructive path at the expense of her brother, herself, her lover,and later we find, even her adopted mother figure.

Also, she's a total bitch in an attempt to #girlboss which she apparently doesn't understand entirely defeats the purpose. Pro tips - if you have to tear someone down to make yourself look stronger, you never were strong to begin with. The way Mae talks to Savhage is really, REALLY shitty. I hope somewhere down the line the have couples therapy with Mary because seriously, that male should not have to deal with the way his shellen talks to him. Good thing biology overrides common sense in every instance and bonded male hormones supercede plain Jane and total idiot points.

For what it's worth, this one didn't hit me like this the first time I read this. I was totally invested in the twists and turns. It's only on re-read that I'm super annoyed with Mae.

Story gets points for Raven and Savhage, which culminates in the last chapter, and poor Nate who never stood a chance. Big first love feels for that male. Also and forever, Lassiter, who is the entire point of this re-read. Lassiter, that is, and also Jim Frangione