A review by heyitsjude
I've never been (Un)happier by Shaheen Bhatt


”Sometimes I wonder if I built and moulded my entire personality in a way that would better help conceal my worst days. I wonder if over time I purposefully grew quiet so people wouldn’t notice when I inevitably stopped talking. I wonder if I carefully constructed the reputation of a recluse so they wouldn’t be surprised when I disappeared for months on end.”

^^ This quote pretty accurately describes where I’m at right now. Bhatt shares with us her personal account of what depression feels like to her. I found many parts of relatable. Especially when she discussed the concept of death and the transience of life. I’d recommend this to people if they want to understand what it’s like to have depression because it encapsulates most of what people who have generally experience. It doesn’t hold everything since everyone experiences it differently and there are no set symptoms, but Bhatt describes it in a way that can clearly reach to someone who doesn’t have it themselves. It is also a quick read too. 3 stars.