A review by i_love_read_ing
Reborn by Jennifer Rush


3.5 Stars

I really enjoyed the first 2 books in this series, but felt like this one kinda skewed off track. Here's why:

I felt like book 2 had a definitive ending and that this book didn't add anything new. I didn't like the addition of the new character, and that it changed point of view every chapter.

In this book you find out more about Nicks past, but its part of his past you don't really need, and we already found out the important stuff about Nick in the last book. I feel like if anyone should have had an extra story, it should have been Cas because he's the only character we really don't know about.

I also felt this unnecessary because the only thing that didn't get resolved in the last book was that Riley was still out there, and that's still not resolved in this book.

I wish Anna and the other characters were in this one more than they are, but it's really about Nick and this random girl that he has flashbacks of. There's no rhyme or reason for Nick to go searching for one of the many people he most likely killed for the branch. I also wanted to know more about how the characters all got involved in the branch and still feel like I need further detail with that, but alas, we get this.

I felt like this book was very out of place compared to the others because all of the sudden there's a lot more sexual tension. The first 2 books are like a PG rating and this one was PG13. It just didn't seem to fit.

Even with all that, I still enjoyed the story. I just feel like there are still pieces missing, and there should either be more books, or this should have been a spinoff.