A review by jacqueleenthereadingqueen
Crushed But Not Defeated by Nicole Dykes


"Miles and I met young and bonded hard over that simple fact - we had to take care of ourselves because the people who should have loved us the most didn't"

I've been eagerly awaiting the last book in the Spark of Hope series for quite some time. Though I'm sad this series is finished, I am ecstatic that I finally got to see Andrew get his HEA. Andrew has been present in all of the books in this series. He's the man who started it all, the one who formed the Spark of Hope trauma support group in the first place. We see him throughout each of the books being a shoulder to lean on, the man to come to for advice, and even just an ear to listen. He's an incredible human being who's made it his mission to make the world a better place despite the circumstances of his upbringing. That's always been his plan ever since he was a kid. Well one thing was different. When he was a kid his best friend Miles was included in his plan...until Miles confessed his plans had changed and then everything else changed as well.

I loved how Miles and Andrew's story unfolded. It was obvious to all that these two still had strong feelings for each other, even if it tended to manifest in different ways. There was a lot of hurt left over from their past. Mistakes were made. But when push came to shove and Andrew needed someone Miles showed up. He showed up big time. Seeing these two come together to help someone in need made it clear what a great team they made. Watching them fall deeper in love and become a family made it even clearer. I truly believe these two were meant to be and I enjoyed everything about them finding their way to happiness together.

"I don't care about the past. I just want the future with you."

PS: I just want to add how much I appreciate the author and how they handled the difficult topics this series dealt with. There were many different types of trauma portrayed along with many different ways of coping with said traumas. There's no right way to heal from something that has traumatized a person and what helps one may not help another. Mental health is one of the most important things we as humans can work on and I believe Nicole Dykes did this series justice on that front. So thank you.