A review by eesh25
Waking Gods by Sylvain Neuvel


I loved Sleeping Gods when I read it. But, as is often the case, it took me too long to get to this one, and I forgot a lot. I even forgot what happened to Rose! Thankfully, it all came back to me soon enough. The plot details, anyway.

The reason I mention this is because it felt like I was getting to know the characters all over again. And this new Rose seemed to be having an existential crisis, while there was an actual crisis going on in the world, thanks to aliens deciding to invade. And she was such a downer for most of the novel! There's some apocalyptic shit going on, Rose! Your crisis of identity and purpose is not important!

Rose is one of the reasons I didn't enjoy this book as much as I might have. I did like most of the developments in the novel, though. I loved the pace. I loved that the author didn't hold any punches and that the book was non-stop action with high stakes.

And despite the issues I had with Rose, there were characters I liked. First and foremost, the nameless interviewer who seems detached but cares quite a bit, who seems omniscient but isn't, and who presents a formal and monotonous persona but is actually quite sassy. Favourite character in the series, without a doubt. Closely followed by Kara and Vincent. I like them both equally, but sometimes one more than the other?

There was also the addition of a General. He didn't have as big of a role but I liked what I got. The ten-year-old girl who was introduced... couldn't stand her. She was very annoying, and I wanted her to go away.

Anyway, this was a good book. But I enjoyed the first two-thirds of it more than the final third. The author made certain choices with the plot, and with how some chapters were written, that I didn't like. There's was a scene, for example, that was in the book three times, from three different perspectives. I found it unnecessary. And again, I just didn't like some of the developments.

It's because of that, and because of some mixed reviews, that I don't think I'm going to be reading the third book. Maybe I'd like it, maybe I wouldn't. And it's not a hard no on reading it, but I have a good feeling associated with these two books (for the most part), and I want to keep those. I've had too many series' ruined for me because of a bad third book. If I do read it... it'll likely end up on the blog, so you'll know. Right now, I have no plans to continue the series.