A review by bookshelfmystic
The Geek Feminist Revolution by Kameron Hurley


I appreciate what this book is trying to do, I do. I am certainly on Hurley's side for most things, and am a passionate geek feminist myself. However, I didn't feel like this collection of essays, many of which were written at different points in time for her blog so contained repetitious points and information, told me anything particularly new. If I hadn't already agreed with Hurley, I am certain this book would not have changed my mind.

Perhaps her intended audience is the burgeoning young feminist geek girl who has not been exposed to the ideas this book contains. For that purpose, maybe it does its job. But Hurley's tone is too combative, too self-righteous for me to fully recommend this book even to new feminists.

I fully understand the irony of calling a feminist writer "too angry." But this book just reeked of internet argument to me. Are you trying to convince someone to change their mind, or are you just trying to win?