A review by fangirlishwandering
Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas


This series... is a lot of books. 8 in total. And this scares a lot of people, because all it takes is one bad book and the whole series can be DNFed just like that.

This book, Tower of Dawn, was the book I was most afraid of not liking, as it is fully focused on side characters. A LOT of people have DMed me saying they’ve skipped this one.
But I didn’t. And I loved it. A lot.

I know this book won’t tell you about what happens to the main character, I know you might not want to hear about Chaol, a character you probably despised, but I can’t help but feel this book was more than essential to the story- it surprised me.

Again, I repeat. Throne of Glass is a set of 8 books, and you know what’s the main advantage of that? You spend a long, long time with the characters. You get attached to them. You see all the little things happening tangling up and forming this huge plot, in which everything happens for a reason and you’re just left reading alone in your room with your jaw dropped and wanting to yell.

So, please do not skip Tower of Dawn. Enjoy a great romance, enjoy Yrene’s character - one of my top favorites ever-, and take your time reading it. Don’t rush it. Enjoy the time it takes to read this one to increase your excitement for the next one, to see what happened after that huge cliffhanger you were left with on the previous book.