A review by geo_ix
Claimed by Kele Moon, Laurann Dohner


'it was ok'.

I didn't love it nor did I hate it, but it wasn't anything special to me. At times I found the writing a little clunky and I found Brandi's reactions (as a human) very unrealistic when it came to finding out new things. Signed on to Mate for life? Sure thing let me just go home and pack some things! The whole book spans over just a few days (approx. 3) and while Amazon said 262 pages my kindle was saying 2- 2.5 hours of reading time so I just don't believe it was that long.

Anyway, overall it was missing a few things. Most of it was 'mating' between these two and a quick catch the bad guy at the end. I'm glad it was on KU as it's been on my TBR since before release and I would have been disappointed paying the $5+ a) because I'm a tight arse, and b) because it was really missing something to make it a 'good' book.