A review by brisingr
The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery


4.5??? we'll do this bullet points style because i got lazy:

- the romanian cover is misleading, with a cute drawing of a girl holding a hedgehog. basically: no, this is not a children's book.
- on the back of the book, it is said: the psychologists in france are recommending this book to their patients. i can probably see why, there are a lot of ways in which the world works, and it's impossible not to find yourself in at least one of them.
- this book doesn't open your eyes towards something new. rather, it makes you see daily aspects of your life with other eyes
- you're going to end up doing whatever this book wants to make out of you. you will cry and laugh and find yourself immensely sad or empty inside. all because, even if you're not a fan of the story or the characters, you'll still want to continue this book for that sentence that makes you go "evrika!", that makes it seem like the stars aligned for you to read that one sentence that might as well change your life a little bit
- the mundane, daily truths and events are what this book is made-up of and i had no idea it could twist a stomach in such ways
- i am still in awe and i need time to properly digest what happened here