A review by isabel_is_reading
A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara



Hanya Yanagihara's "A Little Life" is an astonishing achievement in contemporary literature, weaving together intricate layers of storytelling, character development, and thematic depth. This novel is not merely a work of fiction; it's a profound meditation on the human experience, one that leaves an indelible mark on the reader's soul. I truly love this book, and will forever hold it in my heart. This novel lives in my head rent free and won’t leave me.

First and foremost, let's talk about the writing. Yanagihara's prose is nothing short of transcendent and beautiful, with each sentence crafted with meticulous care and attention to detail. From the bustling streets of New York City to the intimate moments shared between friends, her writing is imbued with a raw, unflinching honesty that cuts straight to the heart. I sometimes re-read chapter or paragraphs again and again because of how beautiful and poignant it is.

But what truly sets "A Little Life" apart are its characters. Jude, Willem, JB, and Malcolm are not just characters on a page; they are living, breathing individuals whose lives unfold before our eyes with startling clarity. Yanagihara delves deep into the psyche of each character, exploring their hopes, fears, and traumas with a level of empathy and understanding that is truly remarkable. I felt an understanding for all the characters and wanted what was best for them, and even when they made mistakes, even when they hurt each other, I wished the best for all of them.

Which brings us to the novel's central theme: trauma. While some critics have accused "A Little Life" of being 'trauma porn,' I would argue that this critique misses the mark entirely. Yes, the characters in this novel endure unimaginable suffering, but to dismiss their experiences as mere exploitation is to overlook the profound humanity at the heart of Yanagihara's storytelling.

Through her sensitive portrayal of trauma, Yanagihara invites readers to bear witness to the complexities of human suffering, to confront the darkness that resides within us all. But she also offers a message of hope, showing us that even in our darkest moments, there is still beauty to be found, still love to be shared. I also think the ending is powerful, yes Jude dies, yes their is no happy ending but their is progress and JB still lives. Additionally, Jude, Malcom, JB and Willem all succeeded in there careers despite all the unhappiness. The section that Willem dubs “The Happy Years” exemplifies the novel’s exploration of the fragility of happiness. Just as the characters seem to find some semblance of peace and contentment, tragedy strikes. Willem’s death in a car accident, along with Malcolm and his wife, plunges Jude into a spiral of grief and self-destructive behavior. It’s a stark reminder of the unpredictability of life and the fleeting nature of happiness.

Yet, even in the face of such devastating loss, there are glimmers of hope. Jude’s loved ones rally around him, staging interventions and supporting him through therapy. Despite his struggles, there are moments of progress and connection that hint at the possibility of healing.

However, years of depression and despair ultimately take their toll on Jude, leading to his tragic decision to take his own life. While this ending may seem bleak on the surface, it serves as a poignant reminder of the profound impact of trauma and the importance of compassion and understanding in the face of suffering.

Because, realistically there is always hope, one can always heal, but sometimes people don’t and that’s realistic, that’s reality. While it’s important to acknowledge the possibility of healing and growth(which the author did do), it’s also crucial to recognize that healing is not always linear or guaranteed. People may carry their pain with them throughout their lives, and sometimes, despite their best efforts, they may not find relief.