A review by amburhostyn
More Than Jamie Baker by Kelly Oram


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Okay, now that I've gotten that out of my system I can move on. I LOVED More Than Jamie Baker, but the ending was probably one of the most brutal cliffhangers that I've ever read...and Remember Jamie Baker seriously cannot come out fast enough! :P

Now, onto a more coherent review. :P I absolutely LOVED the first book in this trilogy, Being Jamie Baker, so when I got the chance to read More Than Jamie Baker, I jumped at the chance...and I don't regret it one bit! :D

At times, I will admit, I was totally frustrated with this book. I love Jamie, I so do...but sometimes that girl just puts her trust in ALL the wrong people. At the same time, I always understand why she does it. Jamie may be too trusting at times, or a bit naive, but she's incredibly easy to understand and empathize with. She's one of my favourite heroines, and I absolutely adored every single Ryan and Jamie moment that there was...they're definitely one of my favourite YA couples. I just love how much they care for each other, and the passion...WOWZA! You know you've got steamy chemistry when your kisses blow up lightbulbs! ;D haha They also have awesome banter...seriously, they are never boring, and I love it! :D

Along with the awesome Ryan and Jamie bits, I just loved seeing Jamie grow. She's become so much more mature and confident in herself since we first met her in Being Jamie Baker. I'm always extremely happy to see her put herself out there and just take chances that she wouldn't have before. I also totally love when she tries to figure out more about her powers and see what else she is capable of...it's just so fascinating and all-around awesome!!! I love that it mixes my ginormous love for superheroes into a super-awesome book series with one wonderful main character...and Ryan, he's totally a super-boyfriend, too. ;)

I'm not going to go into too much detail about plot or anything with this one because I think it's more fun to figure out for yourself while reading, but you'll definitely face a few twists as you read...and you may or may not be surprised by everything that goes on, it kinda depends how good you are at figuring it all out. ;) But, there are definitely twists, so expect that! haha

Overall, I loved More Than Jamie Baker!! Yes, the cliffhanger was super brutal, but rest assured, there is another book (don't worry guys, Kelly wouldn't leave us hanging like that!!!), and I have tonnes of faith that everything will turn out for the best! I'd recommend this trilogy to fans of superheroes, or just fans of awesome heroines who can take care of themselves! Although, Jamie's boyfriend is pretty fantastic. haha ;)

* I received an ebook of MORE THAN JAMIE BAKER in exchange for an honest review from the author. All opinions are my own.
* This review also appears on my blog and on other social media sites.