A review by dnietoperafan
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov


I don’t even know where to start. I liked this book, yet I had such a hard time with it. Since it’s originally written in Russian, the way sentences are redacted differ from those in English. I believe that’s the reason why I had such a hard time concentrating on it and following the story. Nevertheless, the novel itself is good. I loved some characters (mostly Woland and Behemoth, they just made me laugh tons); but I hated how when mentioning characters, Bulgakov invented for them a first name, last name, and nickname... and there are A LOT of characters in the novel, so you kind of miss track of everyone. That sucked. Anyway, the way Bulgakov manages to slip away his critique to the Soviet society is impecable. You’ll have to read it twice or thrice to be able to find every hidden critique, and I love that. He made me question a lot about religion, society, and just the human nature itself; that’s why this book deserves at least four stars. I would totally recommend, but to people who are more experienced in reading complex stories.