A review by zepeng
A Song of Wraiths and Ruin by Roseanne A. Brown


3.75 stars

We love representation! I'm slowly trying to diversify my books to include more fantasy reads from various cultures and this is an excellent choice. It has a nice balance of introducing the culture to newbies, while also staying true to its roots (not sure, but no one is complaining as far as I know). The magic system is a good side plot, though I wish it can be explored further. I also like how the most mundane stuff, like hair care 101 is included in this book. It really provides a better perspective to understand other cultures.

To sum up this book, it's unproblematic. Everything is fine, think of it as hunger games with magic and there you have it. The plot is not very predictable per se but it does follow the typical YA fantasy route. Honestly, for a debut novel, I think the author has done an excellent job.

Character wise, I am particularly captivated by the soft MC at the beginning. It's not common to have the male character as the POV, especially one as soft as Malik. He is the unconventional male MC and I think most readers can identity with him. However, I feel like the characterization in the book falls a bit flat on me. I feel like the author only picks one defining trait for the characters and it is stuck throughout the book. Every action and thought process only revolves around that trait, which slowly becomes predictable and boring because it is overwritten.

The middle part is a bit too drag-y for my personal preference. There is this supposed cliffhanger that can be executed better by taking away some chapters. In essence, I think the whole flow would be better if it is more concise and packed.

Overall, a very successful debut! I'm not too sure if I will pick up the next book but chances are very high. An enjoyable read.