A review by reli
If Cats Disappeared From The World by Genki Kawamura


This is my kind of book. It would have been amazing if it wasn't about cats.

The devil comes to our narrator and offers him an extra day of life if he chooses something to disappear from the world.

He starts by offering phones. So he ways up the next day and phones do not exist, then he makes time disappear...

Long ago I read [b: Einstein's Dreams|14376|Einstein's Dreams|Alan Lightman|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1386925066l/14376._SY75_.jpg|1820798] and I adored it, I loved it for the exact same reason I was hoping this book would touch on: what would life be with our constructs were different?

But this book, ultimately, was written by a cat lover so it didn't dive too much into what I hoped it would.