A review by sam8834
A Thousand Times You Lose Your Treasure by Hoa Nguyen


Drown vs flood
Silken mud
Burned burrowing creature
with strong rodent teeth

Mekong moon story
write water on water

Write country

Float on flat boats
river moon reflective
and her voice there

I feel like Hoa Nguyen has unlocked this way with language that the rest of us don't have access to, a style that is uniquely hers, that doesn't cater to traditions of grammar and negative space, and that brilliantly tells a narrative on its own terms. I'm obsessed with her style, love Red Juice so much I want to carry it around like a baby, and am bowled over by this new collection. Many of the poems here are about Nguyen's mother, who was part of an all-female, Vietnamese motorcycle stunt group. If that doesn't sell you on this, I don't know what will (but yes, there are photos of the stunt action). The story is amazing, and it's been given such a thoughtful, loving poetic treatment.