A review by memydogandbooks
Closure, Limited and Other Zombie Stories by Max Brooks


I LOVED World War Z and this collection of short stories is another good wee zombie read, just not up there with Z. Max Brooks (son of Mel) is the master of writing zombie stories, but he writes about zombies not just as a gritty horror but “as the perfect lens for examining societal collapse. Zombies are SARS... or the hurricane that drowned an entire city or ‘the master race’ that burned an entire continent” as Brooks tells it. It’s his way of commenting on our society and our own destruction of it.

One of my favourite and most poignant quotes from this book was the one which absolutely describes what we are doing to our own species right now:

“We are predators! They are the plague! Predators know not to overhunt, or overpopulate! We always know to leave one egg in the nest! We know that survival depends on maintaining the balance between ourselves and our prey! A disease doesn’t know that! A disease will grow and grow until its infected its entire host!... It can not grasp the long term consequences of its actions... We can but we don’t! We’ve been condoning it! We’ve been CELEBRATING it! For the last few years we’ve been blithely dancing in a parade to our own extinction!”