A review by diewachen
Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Plague Herds of Excelis by Stephen Cole


After the Excelis trilogy, this is an interesting way to wrap up the saga. In this fourth part, the Doctor doesn't make an appearance, and the words "Time Lord" and "TARDIS" are kept quietly away--despite the appearance of Iris Wildthyme. For a Bernice Summerfield story, Benny doesn't have much stage time. She seems to be around most of the time, but Iris becomes the center of attention more often than the star. The story takes place after the destruction left by the 7th Doctor in the previous part, and isn't anywhere near as dramatic as Excelis Decays. Nor, however, is it as small as Excelis Rising, or as silly as Excelis Dawns. In reality, it seems Benny was stuck with the epilogue to this saga--giving listeners the opportunity to find out what happened to the relic and Sister Jolene, but only hinting at the possibility of a bigger story.

The bigger story is one of a never seen alien queen which it seems possible is part of the Imperial Family mentioned in Father Time and Hope, or potentially a late version of the Romana III War Queen. If that was the story being told, this would have been amazing. As it was, it was entertaining, but too small for the Excelis saga, and there was too little Benny for a Bernice Summerfield audio.