A review by cosymilko
Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James


There are several things that need addressing in this review about this book.
The writing.
The plot.
The fans.

The writing of this book is so basic and simple in the beginning. It reads like a stream of consciousness book about the world's most boring girl. 21 and a virgin? Apparently gorgeous but doesn't know it? Spare me. The main character insists on detailing what she does, eats, drinks, and thinks, blow by blow. Not interested. Several words were used incorrectly. They jarred the already bumpy prose and actually made me laugh out loud at the ridiculousness off it. Elevators reaching terminal velocity? Putting the pedal to the metal? No. Just. No.

The plot is not what it could have been. It needed several things to improve it. It seemed that James wanted to make Ana the perfect submissive and then decided it would be better if she showed a little spunk, so she changes her. Grey is obviously not the hardcore Dom she tries to make him out to be because he has so many tender moments. I'm not saying a Dom can't be tender but to make a giant song and dance about these rules and things that warrant punishment and then to do none of that, well, doesn't scream commitment to his lifestyle choice.

Ana constantly doubts herself. All the time. Why would he care about me? I'm so inexperienced. I'm so insignificant. I'm so out of my depth. Yes. She was. Her character was a 2D cut out compared to Grey. He had flaws, a facade, and a hook.

The overall plot was not too bad. There were definitely some good points. (the ending is the sole reason this gets 2 stars)
I honestly thought this could have been done better. It could have been deeper. Ana is a superficial girl and it shows. She doesn't actually grasp much about why he is like this and what things symbolise.

The fans of this book scare me. People actually think it is okay to engage in this simply because their partner wants it? Uh no. Giving your partner something when you don't enjoy it as much is one thing. Doing something that is supposedly screwing with your mind and leaving you traumatised is not on.
Women need spines. If a man won't take you the way you are compromise. Don't give in. If its a mental or physical danger (such as fearing to be hurt) get the fuck out of there. Don't be a dumbass. Love does not conquer all.

I will read the next one. I need to know how she will magically fix Grey and make him a mainstream man.