A review by shannon_cocktailsandbooks
Broken Play by Samantha Kane


This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

I have to confess that this book wasn’t really what I expected and because of that, it was hard for me to know how to rate the book.

Broken Play focuses on Marian, an assistant coach for a newer NFL team, and two players Cass and Beau. The three of them end up forming a unique relationship while also trying to get the team to gel at minicamp. I liked the premise of the book. The idea of a female assistant coach in the NFL is a cool one and her falling in love with not one, but two players on her team pushes the boundaries.

The sexy times between Marian, Cass, and Beau and incredibly hot, but it seems like things move almost too quickly between them. It also seemed like once the three main characters began their sexual relationship, the plot development of the story took a back seat.

I feel like this book had potential to be really good, but the story got side tracked by the sexy time.

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