A review by amyreading2024
Six Geese A-Slaying by Donna Andrews


I listened to this a few books ago so my memory is not as fresh. Lesson learned: I will not start another book before writing up my thoughts on the one just finished.

I used to be the sort of person who could not read/watch/or listen to something out of season, so I would probably have stopped the series until Christmas to resume with this one, but, as I was downloading this for a road trip (though I started and finished this book before the trip started, so it was lucky I didn't end up needing an audiobook) I thought I'd keep on.

I did not mind the dissonance at all! (Who am I.)
The 'A Christmas Carol' tie-ins were numerous and cheery and always appreciated.
The fake partridge for when the real one became overwhelmed or fatigued.
The Boy Scouts involvement.
Learning that Chief Burke is black and a reluctant wiseman.
The mix of Christmas and holiday traditions.
The people in geese costumes mixed into the parade where they should not be.
Meg trying to snoop on the police interrogations in her home.
The shady, cynical journalist.
The suspense taking place at Michael's office.
Dad is Santa! And so like him and appropriate for his new role that he is making casts of cow legs to leave reindeer prints was endearing and creative!
Mother decking Meg and Michael's house and "reading the room" at the end of the book.
Eating the unwrapped cheese in the stable is lovely outdoor-cottage-core.
A bit intense that the children and Eric were so close to the murder.

I listened to the audiobook version and totally agree with this fellow commenter: "[the narrator] sounded much older than Meg Langslow, from whose point of view the story is told." This is why I struggled to be able to listen to these books for so many years.