A review by hillaryp48
Swoon by Lauren Rowe


Colin is the drummer to a very popular and successful band, 22 Goats. He is heading home to Seattle for his best friend's wedding and is excited to be around people that knew him before the fame. Amy is very excited for her brother and his fiance’s upcoming wedding and she is especially excited for the one person that has RSVPd yes and no plus one, Colin. Amy has been in love with Colin for her whole life. He was their neighbor growing up and best friends with her brother and the way he treated her was so much nicer and sweeter than her brother. Amy is a little neive and insecure that she will never find love. She has only ever had 1 boyfriend and he wasn’t very good at sex. When Colin and Amy are reconnected at the wedding, Amy can feel the mutual connection and attraction but Colin keeps referring to her as the little sister he never had. She has accepted his help to get a job in LA and has even agreed to live with him until she can find a place. Will Amy be able to get Colin to see her as more than his best friend’s sister, and will Colin stop fighting himself and let happiness win. This is a brother’s best friend romance and it was amazing! I started this book back in October and stopped because I had ARCs to read and I just wasn’t feeling it. When I restarted the book, I couldn’t put it down and read it all in 1 day! This book has such good spice, the teaching scene 😍I really enjoyed when Amy gets a bit of revenge on Colin when she shows up at his house feeling confident and radiant. She shows him exactly what he is missing. This is a great book for someone who is looking for a more contemporary romance but with lots of spice!