A review by claire_loves_books
Aloha from Hell by Richard Kadrey


I Aloha from Hell more confusing than the previous two, Stark's trip through hell in particular was really triply, jumping from one place to the next and the scenery of hell is like a twisted nightmare and while it's probably what Kadrey was going for when he's describing Hell it was quite confusing to actually read. I also missed Starks friends, so much of the Story is set in Hell where it's just Stark against the world. He also clearly had some sort of plan going on but it's not really explained until right at the end, it doesn't matter massively- I just enjoy reading about Stark anyway but it added to the general overall confusion.

I liked the Candy/Stark/Alice relationship- showing that you can truly care for more than one person but in different ways, Stark does feel something for Alice but it's more like a memory of love- they both loved each other 11 years ago and while they still care for each other neither is the same person as before, he'd still sacrifice a lot for her but they'll never have the same relationship again. Somehow Kadrey has managed to have multiple meaningful relationships and yet avoid the dreaded love triangle.

I really liked the ending and I definitely interested where Stark will go from here.