A review by xsleepyshadows
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller


I wrote a really long review on this and my computer lost it! Nooo! I'll be writing a much shorter review now... :(

This story captures the essence and character of Batman perfectly. A Batman who is hard, old, and caring. This story is also pretty political and has a lot to think about in an almost apocalyptic feeling world that hasn't had Batman return in a long time. When Batman returns there are a lot of news stories about if he is a menace to society or a blessing. Does Batman encourage crime, like when the Joker sees his return and takes a major relapse in his therapy. Does he empower the citizens of Gotham, like when Carrie Kelly takes the mantel of Robin and joins Batman. There is also a big compassion to Superman and Batman, a Hero to America and a Vigilante.
One of the things I enjoyed a lot in this story is Batman's age. He suffers and struggles with this, He has the cunning but no longer has sharp abilities and in the end with his "Death" I think he accepts becoming a teacher so the legacy of Batman can live on and protect Gotham. ~Ashley