A review by govmarley
The Gatehouse Mystery by Mary Stevens, Michael Koelsch, Julie Campbell


More adventures with Trixie and Honey. What a charmed life they lead!

Seriously, though, how large is the Wheeler's estate that they have a deserted Gatehouse on the grounds that people have forgotten about? I'm trying to picture a world where her mother and father didn't immediately tear it down. Deserted, dirty, holes in the roof...definitely a surprise that they let that stand. Anyway, the girls decide it will be their clubhouse, naturally. And then Trixie finds a diamond (Honey immediately can tell it's real, because the girl is overflowing with diamonds, yo). Bad guys are on the prowl, and the mystery is on. Oh, and we get a new chauffeur because my boy Regan hates anything that doesn't run on 4 legs and Miss Trask is busy being a total boss babe.

What will happen with the diamond? Guess you will have to read for yourself. This one is especially stretching the bounds of imagination, but I still gave it 3 stars.