A review by cierrachey33
The Devil Makes Three by Tori Bovalino


Tori Bovalino's The Devil Makes Three is a young adult dark academia thriller that plunges readers into a world of ancient secrets, forbidden rituals, and the chilling presence of evil. While the atmospheric setting and suspenseful plot are strong points, the book ultimately falters in its character development and narrative pacing.

What I Liked:

Enthralling Atmosphere: Bovalino masterfully creates a dark and eerie atmosphere that evokes a sense of dread and anticipation. The setting of the ancient university, steeped in history and shrouded in secrets, perfectly complements the supernatural elements of the story.

Intriguing Premise: The concept of accidentally summoning a demon through a forbidden ritual is captivating and sets the stage for an exciting adventure. The book effectively explores themes of good versus evil, the dangers of curiosity, and the consequences of playing with forces beyond our understanding.

Suspenseful Plot: The story unfolds at a brisk pace, keeping readers guessing with unexpected twists and turns. The mystery surrounding the demon and its motives adds to the suspense and leaves you eager to discover the truth.

What Could Have Been Better:

Flat Character Development: While the characters are intriguing at first, their development throughout the story feels lackluster. Their motivations and personalities remain somewhat ambiguous, making it difficult to connect with them on a deeper level.

Uneven Pacing: The narrative pacing is inconsistent, with some sections dragging and others feeling rushed. This can disrupt the flow of the story and make it difficult to maintain focus at times.

Predictable Ending: Despite the suspenseful plot, the ending feels somewhat predictable and fails to deliver a truly satisfying conclusion. The resolution of the conflict leaves some questions unanswered and lacks the emotional impact of the preceding events.


The Devil Makes Three is a promising debut with a chilling atmosphere and an intriguing premise. However, the shortcomings in character development and narrative pacing prevent the book from reaching its full potential. While it may still be enjoyable for fans of dark academia and supernatural thrillers, readers seeking a deeper emotional connection and a more surprising plot twist might be left wanting.

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

Additional Thoughts:

This book is suitable for young adult readers who enjoy dark and suspenseful stories.
Fans of authors like Holly Black and Leigh Bardugo might enjoy the atmospheric setting and supernatural elements.
The book effectively builds suspense but could benefit from a more satisfying resolution and deeper character development.
With some refinements, this series has the potential to become a truly captivating and chilling dark academia thriller.