A review by bonnienoire
Air Logic by Laurie J. Marks


I have several gripes to pick with this author, but considering how many gripes I had, I still finished all four books and at least a little more than half of the time enjoyed myself doing it. If I was being entirely honest, I'd say that if the majority of the characters were not queer, I would not have had the patience I did for this story or its world.

That's not exactly a glowing review for a 4/5 stars, I know. The previous entries had some stylistic choices that I felt as errors rather than style, and the functions of the world itself seem fundamentally flawed. Even with these significant barriers to my enthusiasm, I found myself genuinely loving the characters, and invested in their difficult futures. And this last book seems more focused than the others, and less bogged down by the convenience of Fire Logic for the majority of the narrative.

But, then, maybe I'm just an Air Logic kind of person. *shrug*