A review by thiefofcamorr
Top End Girl by Miranda Tapsell


I started this book when it first came out - literally, at midnight, when my phone chimed that a preorder was ready. I thought, I'll just try a little bit because like, Miranda is wicked funny with an excellent sense of humour, and can act and do the most SPOT ON impressions, and she's kind, and passionate, and always looks so amazing... surely she can't write, too. Sure she can write scripts, but biographies?

I didn't manage to put it down until I was past 20% of the way in, and it was LATE and I suffered at work the next day, because dammit, she can write. Of course she can. I sent her auntie an email about how tired I was but how it was totally worth it... and then I didn't pick the book up again until tonight, because I knew when I did I wouldn't be able to put it down.

Today we had a power outage. So I thought there was nothing more suitable in a power out, in the hottest week of the hottest month of the year, to read the most TERRITORY book we have. So I got out Top End Girl and devoured the rest of it and loved every word. I'd call out bits to my Mum (usually multiple per page) and while I wish I'd read it when it first came out I'm also glad I didn't have to put it down again either.

Miranda is someone Australia is incredibly lucky to have, and I hope more and more of Australia realises this. She's so darn eloquent, and determined, and just freakin' amazing. I can't wait to see what she does next.