A review by elia25
The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer


I'm gonna give it a star bc I don't think 0 strs count.
I read this when I was young and everyone was reading it, it was highschool my bf was reading it and I needed books. It was the twilight craze! the first movie had come out and Robert pattinson was hot! I read the hole series bc I like Allison and wanted to see what was her story! TRUE
I hated Bella all the way through. She's dumb, passive and pointless! I just can't think of all the words I need to express my feelings towards these series so I'm just gonna leave this here:
DON'T READ IT! look for a book with strong female characters, it doesn't have to be dystopian, just something where the main character is not a girl who decides to do nothing when her vampire boyfriend leaves.