A review by pippad
The Understudy by Holly Brown, B.A. Paris, Sophie Hannah, Claire Mackintosh


The story seemed obvious, but there were twists and vague hints about "before" and unexplained mysteries about the lives of the four women and their daughters.

I'm not sure if having each author write from the point of view of each character was a good thing or not (there is one author that I'm really not a fan of) because it seemed to be a little disjointed and there were some characters that I just didn't like (probably because they were written by the author I'm not keen on) and the jealousy between the mothers over the talent their children did (or didn't have) also seemed to be a bit who is the better author here.

The real mystery was more obvious than the massive zit on my chin and everything was tied up a little too conveniently and felt a little too rushed too.

Should you read it? Well, yeah because I need someone to discuss it with and if you have a few spare hours to read a book what have you got to lose. Then again, I'd probably recommend something else from what I've read recently!