A review by tartbarbie
Pooka in My Pantry by R.L. Naquin


I received Pooka in My Pantry in return for an honest review as part of the tour hosted by Bewitching Book Tours. Pooka in My Pantry is the next installment in A Monster Haven Story series. After everything that happened in book one you would think Zoey would have a chance to deal with being a monster magnet and being an empath. Maurice has received divorce papers and decides to return home to see if they can try one more time to make it work leaving Zoey alone. As if that’s not enough she’s now being evaluated by the board, and Riley is on probation. Zoey also has a new roommate a very filthy Pooka who has taken up residency in Maurice’s room.

Zoey learns that she has a bad luck curse from the board plus she has bad luck from the pooka so they kind of cancel themselves out. Simple you would think but she’s being harassed like the other hidden by the leprechaun mafia which have given both her and Sara bad luck. Zoey has a full plate filled with monsters, secrets, and a whole lot more. Hopefully she will be able to survive what’s just around the corner.

Pooka in My Pantry is a fantastic novel. I love all the hidden beings that Zoey has to deal with through the story. Each one has a unique personality that enhances the story. The concept behind Zoey is also really interesting plus with the humor added to the book it’s a fun read. I was super excited to be picked for the tour because I loved the first one so much. I didn't have a monster in the closet but I did have a few nights of stuff under the bed and outside the window. Zoey is amazing, she’s smart, strong, fun and overall just a good person. I found the story well written I felt like I was with zoey though the whole story, I spent most of the book cheering her on as she deals with all the craziness that is attracted to her. If you’re into Urban fantasy with a real storyline and some humor this series is for you. I look forward to reading more in the series.