A review by readswithnatalieb
Paris: The Memoir by Paris Hilton


Just like the synopsis says, Hilton has a lot of nicknames she’s been given over the years. Some good, but most, not good at all. Unless you live under a rock, you know Hilton and/or her family and probably have or had preconceived notions about her. I’d be a liar if I didn’t! 

Like others, I didn’t know her story and I’m first to admit reading her story changed my outlook on her. Don’t get me wrong I LOVED her and Nicole Richie in THE SIMPLE LIFE, but as she grew in her career, my feelings towards her didn’t grow with her.

Don’t be fooled in the beginning. She (admittedly so) is disorganized with her thoughts and explains how she is affected by ADHD. If you understand her brain early, you’ll know why she tells her stories the way she does. Her story is incredibly painful and despite what you think about her, you don’t know the half of it.

Looking back, I’m so impressed with how she was able to keep going with some sort of smile on her face. Most people wouldn’t make it out of her situation alive, and while she discusses and acknowledges her privilege, we’ve seen how other celebrities spiral out of control and it’s easy to see Hilton didn’t.

She’s been rebranding herself and it’s truly impressive to watch. Even if you think you know her, I promise you, you don’t and it’s worth the read.

Content warnings: Child abuse, sexual assault, emotional abuse, adult/minor relationship, infertility, abortion, toxic relationships