A review by rustedtulips
Dead Inside by Noelle Holten


When I first started reading this book at 1pm this afternoon I really didn't think I would overly enjoy it. 12 hours later I have reached its conclusion having struggled to put it down several times today!

A new police task force has been opened, a joint task force across many agencies which includes DC Maggie Jamieson. The taskforce will deal with the ever increasing amount of domestic violence in the district, however the dead bodies of abusers start piling up around them without any real leads to go on.

Maggie's friend and a probation officer in the taskforce, Lucy Sherwood is hiding years of abuse at the hands of her husband. Things get a lot more complicated when he turns up dead. Who murdered several men who abused their partners? What connection does Lucy have to them all ?

The truth must come out.

This story is incredibly gripping. From the first chapter your sucked into the world of domestic abuse, crime fighting and constantly hoping the Lucy will do something to change her circumstances! I honestly could not stop reading, I was pulled in right away and had to know what came next. The story itself is told through several characters points of view with the jumping happening all the way through the story. However it's easy to follow, the timeline doesn't tend to jump back and forward in time with events happening in their proper sequence even between character swaps.

You can tell that this story is written by someone with a lot of experience in domestic abuse, which isn't surprising since the author has this as a professional and personal experience. The character of Lucy is so well written it would only be from true experience of both these clashing world's.

From around half way through I had my suspicions on who the killer was, it seemed very apparent to me and I didn't falter from that suspicion .I was however surprised several times by plot twists so I doubted if I was right or I was missing something several times. You just can't be sure if your right or not!

An incredible, heartbreaking story that had me in tears on several occasions. I highly recommend and can't wait to get stuck into the second of this series tomorrow!