A review by hteph
Eye of the Tiger by Michael-Scott Earle


Almost a 4, but I found some things lacking in ... I don't know, depth, quality, something. Firstly the characters felt a bit flat and although the author tries, they never gain their own voices in my head. Then everything feels railroaded, I guess the book mostly is a prologue and the author wants to get to the real stuff with flying around the galaxy, but the numerous god-in-a-box moments get annoying and sometimes shakes my suspension-of-disbelief a bit to much.
Then there are the softness of the science, it irks me less than the previous things, but adds up ... This Shape-shifters and Vampires in Space Opera feels like it meshes badly and the author has just tacked stuff on a standard Firefly-ish world-building with little care of welding it together sadly.
Will I continue to read them .... probably not, but the prose was easy and the story flowed in its simplicity, so perhaps if I'm low on books and need something light.