A review by amethyst5621
Early One Morning by Aubree Lane


From giggly high school crushes to backstabbing teen drama and more, Aubree Lane takes us through a thirteen year journey through the lives of a group of “friends” who turn out to be enemies who eventually turn out to be family. I found myself transported into the thick of the story equating these characters with people I know who have faced similar if not the same situations.
Early One Morning is masterfully written with many story lines that have been woven into one extremely dysfunctional group of individuals. There are moments where you are jaw-dropping surprised to ones where you are so angry you want to throw the book on the coffee table. One thing is certain, you won’t be able to stop reading once you begin.
Grab a banana split with lots of chocolate sauce because you will need every bite as you work your way through this fascinating story that takes place in two states I hope to someday visit…California and Hawaii. Good job, Ms. Lane! Good job!