A review by rhodaj
Man Out of Time by Stephanie Bishop


This book follows Leon, his wife Frances and their daughter Stella as they deal with Leon’s mental illness from the time of Stella’s ninth birthday to adulthood (presumably.....timelines are vague).

The synopsis for this book sounds intriguing, however in reality the book fell flat for me. The writing style is very vague and dreamy, which held me at a distance from the characters and did not allow me to really make any connection with them.

The use of random photos thrown in was unique, but didn’t add anything of value to the story and if anything, detracted from it for me.

The parts where Leon descends into madness are long, rambly and frankly, boring. Whilst there were many snippets of beautiful emotive writing, on the whole I found this book disappointing. While the writing style was unique, it just didn’t work for me and I was not at all moved by it, although I feel that I should have been. ⭐️⭐️