A review by balletbookworm
The Duke's Guide to Correct Behavior by Megan Frampton


I nearly quit before halfway through - the first half is a bit of a weird mix of historical romance set-up and Jane Eyre (minus the wife in the attic at least). While Marcus and Lily are both nice enough they seem more like stock characters, particularly Lily since we never figure out exactly where she comes from. And there are a few things needling me (Lily would have been Miss Russell, not Miss Lily, and the extremely correct butler would have known this). The back half finally picked up but it felt like we were skipping along without actually looking into the couple's development in depth (there's an over-engineered scene at the druggist's and when Lily is threatened Marcus doesn't even try to find out who saw her/threatened her...humph)

A note on the cover: it's a very pretty cover, but completely the wrong time period. The model is wearing an Empire gown but the novel is set after Queen Victoria's wedding. 1840. Waistlines had most definitely come back down to the natural waist by then.