A review by haley_j_casey
The Lost Colony by Eoin Colfer


The plot of this installment of the series wasn't necessarily my favorite, but the characterization was AMAZING.

Honestly, the idea of a demon class of faeries felt like a reach, and I never cared an awful lot for them or their history or their plight, although of course I always like magic. The same goes for the addition of Minerva, who was entertaining but another child genius kidnapping a faerie also was a hard sell. Demons, warlocks, time locks, warping, volcanos, time unraveling, etc, etc—good but not great.

However: I LOVED the characters. They have grown and grown and grown since [b:Artemis Fowl|249747|Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl, #1)|Eoin Colfer|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1327945104s/249747.jpg|1334778], and it is such a joy to behold. I love that they're friends, I love that they understand one another's strengths, I love that they work together and trust each other and joke together. Butler is wonderful, Artemis is growing up and continues to be hilarious, Holly is fierce and loyal, Mulch is always willing to lend a hand, Foaly is marvelous, and even Minerva, despite not being my favorite to begin with, grew on me.

What fun to read this series as it continues!