A review by sarah_moynihan
The Escape Manual for Introverts by Katie Vaz


This book is an amusing compilation of comedic drawings paired with excuses and tricks to get introverts out of social situations when you would much rather recharge your introverts batteries at home a bit. Many readers are introverts, as am I, and so this was a fun manual to come across. The Escape Manual for Introverts did have some good, clever tricks and some down right silly ones thrown in for fun. The advice is broken down by chapters for the different relationships you may have to the people you may need too use these tips on. Friends, acquaintances, family members, coworkers, and strangers. There were several examples in each chapters to cover a wide variety of situations. But I will say that some of the advice did become repetitive throughout the chapters, but they also warranted being repeated because some of the tips that could work on acquaintances could also work on strangers or coworkers. And tips for friends could also work for family members and vice versa.
Overall this was a fun and amusing guide for introverts to come across, plus it's a very quick read.

I received a copy of this book from Andrews McMeel Publishing via NetGalley, this is my honest review.