A review by reettis
Jäljet rantahiekassa by Judith Lennox, Kaisa Kattelus


I have no idea, why I had this book in my want-to-read shelf. Normally I would stay away from this kind of romantic humbug. This book was no exception to the general formula of these books: everyone will go to bed with everyone elses wifes/husbands and then feel utterly depressed when their lives don't quite work out. I wish somebody would tell these people to just grow up finally!
This is so booooooring that I'm quite surprised that I finished the book. It must be due to the well built characters and settings that kept my interest up all the way to the end. I love big old buildings, rustic gardens and windy seasides, I love old clothes and tea breaks and scruffy hotels -hah, I guess I could be one of the main characters here! I'll give this book two stars just from sympathy for the british lifestyle ;)