A review by bkclub4one
The Curse That Binds Us by Katie Hayoz, Katie Hayoz


I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

The Curse That Binds Us is a fantasy story inspired by the history of the lost colony of Roanoke.

It is told through the interchanging POV of three characters. Two from the present and one from the past.One of the characters from the present is Redd, our protagonist and special snowflake. She is a teenage girl with an unusual life.

Every year on her birthday, a mysterious box appears at her house and she and her mother are forced to skip town.They have been running for her entire life and she is sick of it. So when the box shows up again this time she opens it. By doing this, she awakens the evil connection her mother had been trying to protect her from. There is more to the story but that's the gist of it because the entire book revolves around Redd.

This was an interesting story. It had me at the edge of my seat especially the last quarter although nothing happened as expected. It ended with a cliffhanger so things will probably get real in book 2.

The only major problem I had with this book was the beginning. It was hard to get into and confusing. The multiple POVs didn't help matters.It only got better around the 40% mark and just at the right time because I was losing the will to continue. The characters were annoying which meant that there was little to motivate me to reach that 40% mark other than plain old curiosity. To top it all off the "romance" was of the insta-love variety and it made no sense.

With that said will I be reading the second book? Absolutely. The general storyline is unique enough to catch my interest. Plus I can't wait for Redd to discover that in her case mother actually knows best.