A review by nickieandremus
Seashell Season by Holly Chamberlin


*** I received an advanced e-copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for my honest review

When Gemma was just 2 months old, her father abducted her and successfully stayed hidden for the first 16 years of her life. Then Alan made a dumb mistake that sent him to jail and sent Gemma back to live with the mother she never knew. The story is told in alternating voices of the mother and the daughter as they try to move forward. Gemma has to come to the realization that everything about her life was a lie, and let go of the anger she has because of it. Verity has to make peace with the fact that her daughter does not like her or want to be with her, and although she would love nothing more than to throw her arms around her and hold her tight, she has to take a few steps back and approach everything with caution. The book is really thought-provoking and you felt invested in the characters and their lives. This is definitely a must read.