A review by dilchh
My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece by Annabel Pitcher


I’m going to cut to the chase, I cried reading this book. Proper tears were flowing down my eyes because of this book. I had to pretend that I was yawning badly that tears were falling down my eyes. There could be a number of reasons as to why someone would cry had they read this book; (1) the tragic back story as to how this sister of the main protagonist ends up living on the mantelpiece (although the cover should already be a dead giveaway), (2) the totally way too descriptive of that particular part about what happened to Roger and the following events (yes, I’m not going to tell you what it is; I’m not even going to tell you who Roger is, you’ll need to read the book to know more), (3) the aftermath of what had happened to the sister ended up living on the mantelpiece, or (4) the tragic story of trying to be seen for who you really are, as opposed to be someone else (or for that matter, just to be seen and not overlooked). As for why I cried, it was reason number two.

Dark but insightful. Heart wrenching and thought provoking. Above all, it was a simple storytelling turned deep.

The magnificent thing about this story is how simple and yet deep the storytelling was. The story was told through the eyes of our protagonist (who, if I may remind you, is just 10 years old). As you see his world through his eyes and his storytelling, you’ll notice how simple life can be for a 10 year old, at the same time the simplicity of that is insightful and thought provoking. You’ll see the progress and the changes that occur in Jamie’s life, from not understanding his father to acknowledging the pain of losing someone so dear and not wanting to let go (oops, there goes a bit of a spoiler).