A review by booksuperpower
Haunting Olivia by Janelle Taylor


October always puts me in the mood for a supernatural type book. The title and cover of this book strongly hints at a paranormal undertone. But, except for some vivid dreams, the book has no supernatural element at all. The reviews on the book were very favorable for the most part. But, for me it fell flat.
Olivia was one of three daughters her very wealthy father had with three different women. When he died, he left each daughter a piece of property and a certain sum of money. However, each girl had to follow a set of really strange rules for a month or forfeit the inheritance.
Olivia will inherit a cottage, must live in the town of Blueberry for a month, go into town once a day and make two purchases each day.
This is the last place Olivia wants to go. Memories of her first love, an unplanned pregnancy, and a stillborn child would make the return to the cottage very painful. But, Olivia's mother is in financial straits, so Olivia agrees to the terms of her father's will.
Upon arrival at the cottage, Olivia learns she is not welcome in Blueberry. She also discovers her father lied to her all those years ago about her child being dead.
The story started off on a pretty silly premise, then got worse, until it just veered completely off track. Zach was not such a great parent, the daughter was a brat, and the whole town of Blueberry had no idea what "inner " beauty really was. overall a D.