A review by betsyrisen
Your Table Is Ready: Tales of a New York City Maître D by Michael Cecchi-Azzolina


Let me start by saying I have never worked in a restaurant (thank god, I know myself well enough to know I am not built for it). But I thought this book would be interesting for a number of reasons. New York restaurants are in a universe of their own, if this guy is writing a book that means he's probably been in the business a long time, and has a lot of interesting stories.

I must say, I almost gave up on it immediately. But when you consider the book opens with tales of sex, drugs and booze in NYC in the 70s/80s, it shouldn't come as a shock that my prim sensibilities were insulted.

I can acquiesce a bit to the fact that we're talking about a different plane of reality, and that plenty of things that flew back then certainly don't fly now, and the author was, while not necessarily apologetic, at least realistic in his admittance that times have changed and plenty of what happened then was inappropriate.

All in all, it was an interesting read, and I'm glad I didn't give up on it.