A review by jenarnold
Strictly Come Dating by Kathryn Freeman


My new favorite Kathryn Freeman book. 4.5/5

Organized Maggie has two small children, an ex-husband who ruined her confidence, and a younger man that won’t stop flirting with her. And did I mention that younger man, Seb, is her best friend’s younger brother?

Maggie has always loved to dance, but her ex-husband never wanted to go dancing with her nor did he want her to go alone - so she stopped. That is until she gains the confidence to go after a push from her friends. After overhearing about the lack of men at Maggie’s dance classes, Seb decides to join the classes to get to know Maggie a bit better. Will these opposites attract?

I loved all of these characters. Seriously. Maggie, Seb, Tabby, and Penny were all wonderfully developed. The book made me laugh out loud in multiple places, and I found myself grinning like a crazy person while reading.

Thanks so much to NetGalley for the ARC - it was an unexpected surprise!