A review by letturediemme
Spell Bound by F.T. Lukens


Okay, wow. This was an impulse read for me, as in, I saw it at my job, was drawn in by the cover and the synopsis sold it for me.
Found family, frenemies to lovers and magic in a modern setting where he main characters fight the establishment? Sign me up. I love how Sun’s and Fable’s identities were never questioned, attacked or made a big deal by the other characters. They’re there, use they/them pronouns and every character (even the villains of the story) respect them. It was actually nice to see queer rep without any homophobia or transphobia and have the conflict come from the other aspects of the story; I find it a breath of fresh air.
The characters are also very likeable and I enjoyed their interactions as the story progressed. If you like cheesy, young adult romances, it’ll definitely do the trick for you.
The only thing I have “against” it is the first person and pov switching, but they’re more of a personal thing for me. In this case I think it was actually played well, so in the overall scheme of the story, it worked well. Definitely recommend it for anyone who’d like a cheesy, modern-fantasy story to get into the spooky season mood.