A review by pearsbooks
The Pumpkin Spice Café by Laurie Gilmore


Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

I usually read romance novels when I'm stuck in a rut with reading and I need something easy to digest and this did the job! It was the perfect cocktail of adorable, romantic, tortured, and sexy with the most delightful fall backdrop.

The main characters, Jeanie and Logan are lively and lovable and I found myself not only getting sucked into their romance, but their normal lives and the mysteries of Dream Harbour and the Cafe too! The world building and the townsfolk were so vibrant and colourful I almost wished that there was more to the plot BEYOND the romance.

As with a lot of romance & spicy books, the writing and the editing showed a lot of room for improvement, and I found that some of the body language, dialogue and description could be repetitive, an easy fix would have made this a more stand-out romance book! I also felt that there wasn't enough distinction between the voices/viewpoints of the two main characters, so sometimes I was confused about whose POV it was.

Overall though, The Pumpkin Spice Café is an addictive, satisfying and well fleshed out romance, where the plot didn't feel completely empty, and the character's relationships outside of the romantic relationship were nicely developed and enjoyable to read. A fluffy warm blanket of a book